Finally I finished study the book :
WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap: The Beginner’s Guide to Building Your Own Mobile-First Theme from Scratch
It is practical.
Here are some notes I’d like to share during study:
- I was using IIS+PHP. Windows Active Directory is sophisticated. Make sure WordPress was granted to use its own folder. “Application pool” authentication is effective.
By default is IUSR. I couldn’t see uploaded-pictures’ thumbnails, even when I granted “Everyone/ full control” on a specific picture. Then I removed inherited-hierarchy, and lost the right to delete it, even with admin rights.
- PHP module gd2
After correcting authentication, the functionality “Edit Image” on WordPress still didn’t work. I validated minimum required modules while installing PHP. Maybe most developers validated the gd2 (JPEG related) module. It took me quite a long to find out my server needs gd2.
- wp_enqueue_script
Developers use wp_enqueue_script() to ask WordPress to load external scripts. But it didn’t work directly on my server. After research, I found the working version is :
Also, I found tjat deregistering already included script and then enqueueing a new one needs no wp_register_script. I deregistered default jquery 1.14 and then included current jquery 3.5.
- Naming convention
This part is more troublesome. WordPress seems not documenting well… Maybe its complexity and legacy make keeping documentation difficult. Out-dated documentation is very common in IT. This is not a serious problem, but sometimes annoying when searching for help.
I didn't really complete the book. The final 10% was glanced through, which was focused on taking over taxonomy. I guessed the author knew WordPress as well as a developer in WordPress team. But I don't need to. My aim is to know how WordPress was designed, not mastering on implementing the system. There is not much about Bootstrap. Bootstrap's documentation is a good reference.
WordPress is a open-sourced project, but it has enough financial support to keep a development team. I also found a side-product: theme forest , which sells theme designs. I'm curious about a open-source team's long-life. Here are my guesses:
- Open-source project could be the base of a commercial product. If the commercial solution succeeds, the enterprise has good intentions to support the open-source team. The enterprise may choose to buy out the development team or just 'rent' it.
- The open-source team may establish another team to sell the enhanced, profitable version of the current open-source project and pay back to support the team. Or
- an enterprise may open-up its internal start-up as an open-source team and develop professional products over it.
I also created a video clip to share my notes and a short record on trying the task on the book. It is not a tutorial. When I searched for solutions online, I found more video sources on big-topic such as AD, SSIS. And .... never saw a video clip from my ....similarity ? criteria? (I tried to avoid a specific word.... )So I created one.
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