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When non-IT enterprise wants to apply new technology, the most important thing is speed.

Speed is very critical to IT industry. Soundness and benefit should not be the first thought, although the first one to create doesn't guarantee to be the most successful. The product always needs polish. But failed to be the initiate almost doom to fail. Exclusivity in IT market is obvious.

There might be no exclusivity risk to non-IT company when applying new technology, and it seems delay helps decision makers to observe the value and evolvement of the product. But IT product changes all the time, and 'new' technology is aging. To non-IT company, the target to evaluate should be the effect of applying, but quite often they take the prosperity of this technology into budget consideration. After long term evaluation, the aim could never fulfill because the technology is out-of-date.

Non-IT company often forgets one thing: technology is the mediator to the expected effect, and is replaceable.  


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